CNR-INM | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare
+39 06 50299 222

Year: 2020

SInERT (Solutions innovantes pour l’intégration des énergies renouvelables distribuées sur le réseau électrique tunisien) kicked off on November 5th

In the framework of the Italy-Tunisia cross-border cooperation program 2014-2020, the kick-off meeting of project SInERT was held on 05/11/2020. The leader of the project is the École  Supérieure  des  Communications  de  Tunis  (SUP’COM), in partnership with the Institute of Marine Engineering of the National Research Council, ACTIA  Engineering  Services  (AES), Layer  Electronics  S.r.l. and …

The 33rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics commemorated Prof. Yusuke Tahara

The 33rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics closed its sessions on Friday, October 23. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Symposium was not held in person in Osaka as originally planned but, for the first time, was run online reaching an audience of nearly 600 participants. This edition of the Symposium was dedicated to the memory …

Call for applications: education and training program for research and development experts in marine and maritime industries

The National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Marine Engineering, organizes, as part of the Project TRIM – Technology and Industrial Research for Marine Mobility (CTN01_00176_163601), the “Education and training program for research and development experts in marine and maritime industries”. Thirty (30) attendees will be selected, based on qualifications and interview. The twenty-one (21) …

Borse di studio: programma di formazione per esperti in ricerca e sviluppo in ambito nautico e navale

Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, presso l’Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare, organizza, nell’ambito del Progetto TRIM – Tecnologia e Ricerca Industriale per la Mobilità Marina (CTN01_00176_163601), il programma di “Formazione per esperti in ricerca e sviluppo in ambito nautico e navale”, per il quale è bandita una selezione per titoli e colloquio finalizzata all’assegnazione di …

IMEKO TC-19 2020 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, 5-7 October 2020

During the last IMEKO TC-19 2020 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (5-7 October 2020) the paper “Critical marine environment observation: measurement problems, technological solutions and procedural methods” written by Ferretti R. et al. has been awarded with the “Best Conference Paper Award” based on technical merit, originality, potential impact on the field, clarity …

Workshop on methods and applications of computational UQ—experiences and perspectives within DIITET CNR (October 2)

The predictive capabilities of mathematical models (widely used today in engineering, environmental, medical and economical sciences) is strictly connected to how accurate our knowledge of the parameters of such models is. These parameters are however often affected by a large degree of uncertainty, due to a number of reasons, such as measurement errors (or the …

Call for contributions: Workshop on methods and applications of computational UQ—experiences and perspectives within DIITET CNR

Aggiornamento Considerato il perdurare dell’incertezza legata all’epidemia di Coronavirus, gli organizzatori hanno deciso di trasformare in evento online il workshop UQ@DIITET/CNR, inizialmente previsto per il 19 e 20 Marzo a Roma. Le date previste per l’edizione online sono 1-2 ottobre 2020. Tutti i talk inizialmente previsti sono confermati, così come le iscrizioni già ricevute (chi dovesse disdire talk/partecipazione è …

IMATI and INM joint study: Uncertainty quantification for ship hydrodynamics via multi-fidelity methods with multi-grid RANS computations

Highlights from: Piazzola C., Tamellini L., Pellegrini R., Broglia R., Serani A., and Diez M., “Uncertainty Quantification of Ship Resistance via Multi-Index Stochastic Collocation and Radial Basis Function Surrogates: A Comparison,” 21th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference (MA&O), AVIATION 2020, June 15-19, 2020 Where and when Google Meet, Friday 10 July 2020, 12:00 Abstract …

Elena Paifelman to give a BlueMed webinar on shipping industry and marine litter in a circular economy

The BlueMed Initiative presents the e-training course on “Understanding and acting for a healthy plastic free Mediterranean Sea,” organized in the framework of the Pilot Action Healthy Plastic-free Mediterranean Sea. This course brings together experts working on Marine Litter and Blue Economy in order to share knowledge, showcase best practices and suggest methods enabling more …