PVID (PhotoVoltaic IDentification) for MATLAB
PVID (PhotoVoltaic IDentification) is an interactive application developed by CNR-INM (former CNR-ISSIA). It enables users to easily perform parameter identification of both complete (5-parameter) and simplified (4-parameter) single-diode PV models, starting either from datasheet values or from experimental data.
PVID runs in MATLAB® environment. A graphical user interface allows to select an arbitrary starting couple (Rs, Rsh) interactively by clicking on the Rs-Rsh plane. Therefore, PVID enables users to interactively simulate the behavior of 5- or 4-parameter single-diode models and to perform a numerical and graphical comparison as for the ability to reconstruct the I-V curve of the PV source. On the other hand, the application allows verifying the effect of a wrong solution on the reconstruction of the I-V curve. (e.g., a wrong solution returned by an iterative method). In addition, the user can evaluate whether/how much the maximum power point (MPP) moves when the starting (Rs, Rsh) couple is varied.
PVID is freeware for non-commercial use. In order to get the application and the free license, please follow these steps. First, download and unarchive the installation files using tools such as WinRAR.
Then, according to the instructions given in the extracted readme.txt file, get your MAC address(es) which will be saved in macaddr.txt file. Finally, fill the form below providing the following data:- Name and Surname – email address – Company/University – Role – MAC address(es) of your PC – PVID version. You will soon receive your free license. Enjoy PVID!

ODEF (Optimized Design of EMI Filters) for MATLAB
EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference) filters are present in most electrical and electronic appliances to ensure compliance with electromagnetic compatibility standards, in particular with those related to conducted emissions. The recent trend is to design EMI filters that implement the maximum power density, especially for applications in which compactness and low weight are the primary constraints (e.g., airplanes, ships, electric vehicles, etc.)
ODEF (Optimized Design of EMI Filters) is a very useful application that EMI engineers or researchers can use to perform filter design oriented to optimal power density. It is an interactive software application running in MATLAB® environment that has been developed by CNR-INM (former CNR-ISSIA), in collaboration with the University of Palermo. Given noise measurements and some parameters that define system configuration, the application automatically selects EMI filter components, circuit configuration, and number of stages leading to the minimum overall filter volume/weight. Moreover, ODEF allows comparing the optimal EMI filter design to the suboptimal results, so as to leave the final decision to the designer.
ODEF is freeware for non-commercial use. In order to get the application and the free license, please follow these steps. First, download and unarchive the installation files using tools such as WinRAR.
Then, according to the instructions given in the extracted readme.txt file, get your MAC address(es) which will be saved in macaddr.txt file. Finally, fill the form below providing the following data:- Name and Surname – email address – Company/University – Role – MAC address(es) of your PC – ODEF version. You will soon receive your free license. Enjoy ODEF!