Ing. Daniele Ranocchia
Dr. Daniele Ranocchia was born in Foligno (PG), Italy, on December 1, 1952, and received his early education in the schools of the same town. He received his bachelor’s degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from University of Genoa in 1978. In the same year he joined the Italian Navy hydrodynamic research centre (C.E.I.M.M.) in Rome as reserve naval officer, with the specific job to study the influence of surface roughness on cavitation.
From 1978 until 2001 he was member of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. In 1980 he joined the CE.TE.NA. S.p.A. of Genoa and worked for two years at the towing tank of University of Naples. In 1982 he joined the Italian Ship Model Basin of Rome, INSEAN, working both in towing tank and water circulating channel, in the experimental branch. From 1992 until 1998 he was head of Ship Propulsion Department of INSEAN.
In 1993 he was appointed by the Executive Committee of 20th ITTC (International Towing Tank Conference) member of the High Speed Marine Vehicles Committee of 21st ITTC. In 1996 he was appointed by the Executive Committee of 21st ITTC chairman of the Model Test of High Speed Marine Vehicles Specialist Committee of 22nd ITTC. In 1999 he was appointed by the Executive Committee of 22nd ITTC member of the Validation of Waterjet Test Procedures Specialist Committee of 23rd ITTC. In 2002 he was appointed by the Executive Committee of 23rd ITTC member of the Validation of Waterjet Test Procedures Specialist Committee of 24th ITTC. He acted as Secretary of the Committee.
In the International Towing Tank Conference he has held the role of INSEAN’s representative in the Advisory Council for many years. For six years he has been the elected representative of southern European countries in the Executive Committee of ITTC. In the years he was Project Manager of INSEAN activities in European research projects like Brite-EuRam Project “SEABUS-HYDAER – Wing Assisted Hydrofoil Enabling Technologies, Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics” and Euclid CEPA 10 RTP 10.12 Project “Viscous Incompressible Flows at High Reynolds Number”.
From 2004 until 2010 he was responsible of the Promotion, Programming and Coordination of INSEAN activities. From 2011 until May 2017 he was appointed as Technical Director of CNR-INSEAN. He his author of many technical papers about experimental methodologies involving propellers, hulls, rudders, high-speed vehicles, etc.