Mid-term meeting – March 30, 2022 – 10:00 (according to the Italian daylight saving time. For Tunisia: 09:00) online on Zoom
The development of renewable energy sources (RES), in particular photovoltaic (PV), is an increasingly important strategic axis for all countries, to meet the growing demand for energy, to reduce the use of fossil fuels, to limit global warming, but also reduce dependence on the purchase of fuels for energy production.
As part of the Italy-Tunisia 2014-2020 cross-border cooperation program, the SInERT project aims at the pilot implementation of new techniques and systems for the integration of photovoltaic RES in medium and low-voltage electricity grids in Tunisia and Sicily, optimizing the use of distributed production capacities. The initiative aims to set up a pilot site in Tunis (Tunisia) and to evaluate the impact of new technologies in the pilot site of Ustica (Sicily).
The project foresees the synergistic contribution of the Institute of Marine Engineering of National Research Council, two educational and research institutions (École Supérieure des Communications de Tunis and University of Palermo), and two companies (ACTIA Engineering Services and LAYER Electronics Srl). Furthermore, the project aims to validate the application of the technologies developed with tangible results on strategic partners in the field of energy production, consumption and distribution (the associated partners Société Tunisienne d’Electricité et du Gaz (STEG), SOPES srl, Impresa Elettrica D’Anna and Bonaccorsi srl and the Municipality of Ustica).
During the mid-term meeting of the project, the intermediate results will be presented, relating to the innovative bidirectional power converters, the new protection algorithms, the implementation of new monitoring solutions for the increase of RES in isolated networks. and to the various innovative telecommunication systems adapted to the application needs of the pilot sites.
The mid-term meeting of the project will therefore be an opportunity to meet and interact with experts, researchers, entrepreneurs, stakeholders, academics and the entire community interested in the issues of ecological transition.
The webinar will be online on Zoom, with simultaneous translation in French and Italian. To participate you need to register by filling out the form:
The event program can be downloaded from the following link:
Keep up to date on the SInERT project!
- On the project website: https://www.projetsinert.com/
- On the Facebook page of the project: https://www.facebook.com/ProjetSinert/
- or on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/projet-sinert-b83256217/