The upcoming AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum (virtual event) will host a special session on Multi-Fidelity Methods for Vehicle Applications. The session will document recent research in the community related to the development of multi-fidelity methods and their application to vehicle design assessment and optimization, including but not limited to aircraft and ships. Multi-fidelity methods have received widespread attention in the aerospace community and are emerging as cutting-edge approaches for the efficient analysis, design and optimization of air, space, sea and ground vehicles. Cross-cutting applications of such methods to representative air and sea configurations, as well as other benchmark problems, are also of significant interest.
The special session is chaired by Drs. Phil Beran (AFRL), Matteo Diez (CNR-INM), and Laura Mainini (UTRC), and organized in collaboration with a NATO Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT) task group, which is exploring the topic area of the special session. The session includes papers and presentations from the AVT team as well as contributions from outside AVT, to promote interaction with the broader community. Feedback from the session will be used to improve study and documentation of benchmark problems available to the public.
More information can be found at the conference website: