CNR-INM | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare
+39 06 50299 222

Month: November 2019

INM wins the 2019 APS/DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion Award

Unraveling the interplay of two counter-rotating helical vortices by INM’s Alessandro Capone and Francisco Alves Pereira is one of the seven entries designated as 2019 APS/DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion Award Winners. APS (American Physical Society ) is one of the world’s largest organization of physicists (over 55 000 members), working to advance the knowledge …

Matteo Gregori: Modellazione computazionale di turbine idrocinetiche

When and where Thursday 21 November 2019, 14.30, Sala Consiglio, INM Headquarters Rome Abstract Durante la tesi di laurea magistrale mi sono occupato dello studio delle turbine idrocinetiche, tramite tecniche ibride per la caratterizzazione delle prestazioni e della scia. Sono stati utilizzati fondamentalmente due strumenti, un metodo potenziale sviluppato presso il CNR-INM (solutore BEM), con il …

INM and Roma Tre to host the 14th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD)

Hydrodynamics has always been an important and fundamental subject for many disciplines involving the science of forces acting on or exerted by fluids, and engineering, environmental engineering, hydraulic engineering, petroleum engineering, biological & biomedical engineering, and so on. While many engineering questions have been answered, there are still many more that need to be addressed …